Review: The Motorcycle Boy

September 7, 2009 § 1 Comment

I don’t really have any songs of the week, as such, however, even better is that I found someone who posted online the unreleased debut album of The Motorcycle Boy. Scarlet was set to be released in 1989 and it just never happened. The singer, Alex Taylor, was formerly of the more well-known indiepop royalty from the C86 era, The Shop Assistants. The Motorcycle Boy was a more rock orientated incarnation with some amazing hooks. I can’t believe this stuff is unreleased. This is a real treat and I just wanted to share it with as many people as possible.

Here’s the blog that originally posted it.

More importantly here is the link to download it.

The band’s name came from the character from the S.E. Hinton novel, Rumblefish and also the Coppola film adaptation featuring Mickey Rourke and Matt Dillion in 1983. All are swell.

-stay gold

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